IGW is a growing trade magazine dedicated to serving the professionals in natural resource and wildlife law enforcement. In our early years, primarily serving US and Canadian conservation officers, IGW became known as “THE trade publication of the profession” in North America.
Illinois Conservation Officer Don Hastings and his family launched IGW in 1984, although the idea had been percolating for years. Part of our founders’ vision was to create a means for officers to communicate with one another. Don credits a brave 1000 officers for IGW’s early success – they subscribed to the concept, and supported the effort, well before the first IGW Magazine was published. In 1999, after producing 58 issues of the magazine over 14 years, the Hastings, retired for the second time and sold the magazine to Creative Street. NAWEOA took over with the fall 2002 issue and continues expanding with the gracious support of this profession and the public’s fascination with conservation heroes.
IGW has truly entered the international conservation arena. First, we are broadening our content to better reflect global conservation concerns. Second, we are actively expanding our international subscriber base to reach more conservation professionals, especially in areas where resources and training opportunities are limited.
IGW works closely with the US and Canadian concerns of the North American Wildlife Enforcement Officer Association, Federal Wildlife Officer Association, International Association of Natural Resource Crimestoppers and Canada National Park Warden Association in addition to state and provincial associations and agencies. We have recently forged a relationship with International Ranger Federation, an active force in advancing this profession throughout the world.
IGW is published by The North American Wildlife Officers Association . N.A.W.E.O.A. is an 8000 member organization of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement officers from across North America. The association began at a meeting of 16 Wildlife Officers from the U.S. and Canada in Great Falls, Montana in 1980.
N.A.W.E.O.A. as a group of dedicated wildlife law enforcement professionals is committed to wildlife protection, supporting the Wildlife Enforcement Officer, and to the public they serve.
N.A.W.E.O.A. supports the activities of many major conservation organizations through membership and active participation.